Category: Owls in Towels

  • Baby ruru checkups at BirdCare Aotearoa

    Baby ruru checkups at BirdCare Aotearoa

    Baby ruru receiving their daily checkup ๐Ÿฅฐ Itโ€™s amazing to see how they all have slightly different features and expressions! @birdcareaotearoa on Instagram Birdcare Aotearoa – January 2023 website | facebook | instagram Ninox novaeseelandiae (a.k.a ruru in Mฤori or morepork in English) is a species of owl native to New Zealand, closely related to…

  • Introducing: Owls in Towels!

    Introducing: Owls in Towels!

    Hoo boy. Here we go. First post on this website. Welcome to ! I’m still learning how to configure this whole thing. It may look pretty basic right now. There’s a lot to understand and I’m still trying to understand all the jargon around wordpress and domains and hosting providers and what the heck…