Original comment from Sweetbriar Wildlife Rehab:

Newton our ambassador screech owl gets let out of his enclosure every day and is free to fly around our hospital. He is never very happy when he has to go back. Listen to him complain-

Nicknames can often be misleading; the biggest guy in Sherwood Forest was called “Little John.” In the same vein, Screech-Owls don’t usually screech; instead, they make some of those low, soft, comforting, familiar evening forest sounds that you’ve probably heard over and over. Their calls sound more like those of the laid-back mourning doves’ coo than a scary bobcat scream. The only time you would hear one of these owls actually screech is when they are defending their nests or fledglings.

Other names for this little owl are a little more accurate: whinnying owl, shivering owl, whickering owl, red owl, gray owl, little cat owl, little dukelet, scritch owl, squinch owl, mottled owl and little horned owl. Its scientific name is Megascops asio, which means “horned owl” in Latin.


Source is ECSS Sweetbriar Wildlife Rehab in Smithtown, NY
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Species Common Name More info
Megascops asio Eastern screech owl Wiki link