Or “gray” towel for all you freedom-spellers out there. If anything it’s a taupe shade of brown, but where’s the wordplay in that?!

Original post 13 Mar 2021 – by West Shore Wildlife Center, Pennsylvania, US

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Mar 13 2021

This great horned owl was brought to us yesterday by employees of @simplystatedarchitecture in Lemoyne. He was found near Hummelstown on the ground unable to fly. After admission to the wildlife center, it became clear that the owl had injured his right leg. We donโ€™t know how the injury happened.

We headed to the vet today for x-rays. The Animal Hospital of Dauphin County once again were rockstars fitting us in for an emergency appointment! Thankfully no bones are broken, but the owlโ€™s hip is dislocated. Dislocations in wildlife, especially birds, are not simple to fix. Unfortunately the vet was not able to get the hip back in place. Our hope is that with medications, gentle care, and cage rest the joint will slowly work itself back into place. The owls prognosis with the injury and his overall poor body condition is not great but we will do everything we can to help him heal.

Generous donations from the owls rescuers and their family/friends covered almost his full veterinary bill today! We are so incredibly thankful. All of our supporters make it possible for us to provide the owl with the fluids, medications, liquid emergency diet, caging, and food he will need for a successful rehab.

Mar 31 2023

Owl updates ๐Ÿฆ‰

The great horned owl patient with the dislocated leg is making improvements. He is now putting some weight on the leg and using it more. He still has a long way to go but we are happy with his progress. Heโ€™s enjoying all the free food, but not enjoying his medical care so much ๐Ÿ˜….

For those willing and able please consider helping fund West Shore Wildlife Center at the following DONATION LINK. Your generosity ensures the best possible care for their animal guests.

Species Common Name More info
Bubo virginianus Great horned owl Wiki link

xo owlsintowels
