Original post – 17 Jan 2021 – by @owl.whisperer

Panama City, Panama

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Original Spanish comment:

Nuestra “Gema” preciosa (Búho Listado – Asio clamator). La estaba curando porque se hizo una pequeña herida tratando de subir a la parte más alta de uno de los recintos en nuestro refugio, pero ya está bien. 🙏
Por otro lado, debe ser difícil para esta ave no contar con una de sus alas. Esto le impide volar.

and in English:

Our precious “Gem”, (Striped Owl – Asio clamator). I was healing her because she got a little wound while trying to climb to the highest part of the biggest enclosure. Now, she is okay. 🙏
It must be difficult for this bird to deal with the missing wing that allowed her to fly before.

xo owlsintowels


Species Common Name More info
Asio clamator Striped owl Wiki link