Original story – 01 Feb 2013 – by Gloucester Daily Times
Story by Marjorie Nesin | Photos by Allegra Boverman
Jodi Swenson of Gloucester, a state and federally permitted wildlife rehabilitator, was tending to this gray phase eastern screech owl that was struck by a vehicle in Rockport earlier this week. She released it Tuesday afternoon near where it was found after giving it medication and having it checked out by a local vet.
This gray phase eastern screech owl is one of many animals and birds that have been tended to by Jodi Swenson of Gloucester
The owl was found struck by a car in Rockport, was ready for release Tuesday night, just days after the Rockport animal officer presented Swenson with the case.
Swenson wrapped the full-grown owl gingerly in a pink fleece blanket the size of a washcloth earlier Tuesday afternoon. She teased his beak open and slipped a syringe of anti-inflammatory medicine into his mouth, emptying it down his throat.
A small bottle of that medicine, which Swenson said “lasts forever” on small birds but goes quickly on larger birds like seagulls, costs $40. Veterinarians often chip in giving free exams, but Swenson reluctantly admitted she still pays for medication.
The choices Swenson made to care for ill and injured animals at the beginning of her rescue career may be costly and have put a ding in her credit, but have also allowed her to keep going forward, rescuing countless numbers of birds from humming birds, to gannets, to pigeons, along the way.
”I had to choose between bills or saving an animal,” Swenson said. “Guess what I chose.”
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