Original post – 29 Jan 2023
by Chintimini Wildlife Center, Corvallis, Oregon
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Some wildlife heroes discovered this Barn Owl No.23-29 in a very tricky situation. His foot was trapped on a Barn and was unable to free himself. Fortunately, an Oregon State Police Trooper responded to the call to help with this rescue mission.
Once the Barn Owl was retrieved and brought to our wildlife hospital, our trained staff determined that the right leg received extensive damage. Upon examination, the tissue is bruised with deep puncture wounds. We have begun administering physical therapy three times a day to aid in keeping the tendons loose, prescribing antibiotics, pain medication, and anti-inflammatories.
We anticipate some skin will die and slough off and our Staff Veterinarian will perform a skin graft which is where healthy skin is removed from an unaffected area of the body and used to cover lost or damaged skin.
With a guarded prognosis, we will continue to provide critical care for patient No.23-29. The journey ahead will be long and extensive with a projected time in care of about 8 weeks. Thank you to the wildlife heroes who assisted in giving this Barn Owl a second chance.
xo owlsintowels